Church Services at Thurlestone
All Saints’ Church Thurlestone is open during the day.
Sunday Services take place each week at 11.10am. and there is a said service of Holy Communion at 8.00am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Please CLICK HERE for this month’s services.
A said Service of Holy Communion (BCP) takes place on Wednesdays (usually fortnightly) at 10.00am.
On the 1st Thursday of the Month there is a said Service of Holy Communion (BCP) at 10.00am at White Horses Studio, Bantham (opposite the Sloop Inn).
We also provide A Recorded Service on YouTube each week led by a member of the Ministry Team with contributions by members of the Aune Valley Benefice and recorded hymns. Please CLICK HERE.
Usual Pattern of Sunday Services
1st Sunday - 11.10 am Parish Eucharist (CW)
2nd Sunday - 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) (said)
- 11:10 am Morning Worship
3rd Sunday - 11.10 am Parish Eucharist (CW)
4th Sunday - 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) (said)
- 11.10 am Morning Worship
5th Sunday - 10:30 am Please see monthly services
Please check for seasonal variations on the monthly services page, on local noticeboards or contact Liz Webb (01548-560090 or email: [email protected]).
BCP = Book of Common Prayer (Traditional language)
CW = Common Worship (Contemporary Language)
Sunday Services take place each week at 11.10am. and there is a said service of Holy Communion at 8.00am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Please CLICK HERE for this month’s services.
A said Service of Holy Communion (BCP) takes place on Wednesdays (usually fortnightly) at 10.00am.
On the 1st Thursday of the Month there is a said Service of Holy Communion (BCP) at 10.00am at White Horses Studio, Bantham (opposite the Sloop Inn).
We also provide A Recorded Service on YouTube each week led by a member of the Ministry Team with contributions by members of the Aune Valley Benefice and recorded hymns. Please CLICK HERE.
Usual Pattern of Sunday Services
1st Sunday - 11.10 am Parish Eucharist (CW)
2nd Sunday - 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) (said)
- 11:10 am Morning Worship
3rd Sunday - 11.10 am Parish Eucharist (CW)
4th Sunday - 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) (said)
- 11.10 am Morning Worship
5th Sunday - 10:30 am Please see monthly services
Please check for seasonal variations on the monthly services page, on local noticeboards or contact Liz Webb (01548-560090 or email: [email protected]).
BCP = Book of Common Prayer (Traditional language)
CW = Common Worship (Contemporary Language)