Line Dancing with Sue

I have been teaching line dancing throughout the South Hams for many years and have five classes running within the Kingsbridge area.
One of these classes is held each Wednesday afternoon in Thurlestone Parish Hall. This has to be one of my most favourite venues – a superb hall, with an ideal dance floor and glimpses of the sea while we dance! Many other dance teachers would envy me and rightly so!
Line dancing often gets overlooked as a hobby because of the reputation that goes with the name. It seems most people still think of those fancy cowboy boots, large hats and checked shirts that are always associated with the country scene and believe that the dancing is just stomping and heel flicking. Well, although I own the boots, the hat and can even put my hand on a checked shirt, I can’t remember the last time I wore them in a class! The world of line dancing has changed a great deal over the years and in classes today we dance in any comfortable clothes, suitable supportive footwear and there are certainly no cowboy hats to be seen!
The dances have also changed over the years and no longer is it foot stomping (so bad for the knee and ankle joints) It now involves all sorts of styles of dance! You can learn a waltz or tango, try a cha-cha or maybe even two step, but just dance the steps in a line!! It’s simply a way of dancing along with others but without needing a partner!
We also dance to a much wider variety of music now. Of course, the roots of line dancing are Country Western and this is not forgotten within my classes but I do try to find a happy balance with the different types of music available.
I hope by now you are rethinking your image of line dancing and are maybe interested in coming along to join in? If I get a few people interested at the same time I would happily arrange a short time of beginner tuition but if not, anyone can turn up at any class!
Don’t worry if you have never danced before – I am there to help you all the way. I teach all the basic steps in my classes and then everyone is encouraged to enjoy the sheer pleasure of dancing without any stress or competition. My teaching is slow and steady so that dancers become confident with the different steps but I have to stress that my classes are always fun and every lesson includes many smiles and much laughter along the way! Going wrong is just part of the fun!
There are some extra bonuses to line dancing too – while getting some gentle exercise, (which doctors always encourage) learning the dances can also help with co-ordination and memory skills, and then that wonderful feel good factor as you find yourself able to dance along with others, can help alleviate stress levels!! Wow! Apart from these positive points, it’s really just plain good fun and a great way of meeting new friends! I have met so many wonderful people through this fun hobby.
We do also have the occasional social evening where we are able to dance favourite dances, enjoy a light supper and get to know each other more socially and last year we held a charity event where dancers were able to try their dances to live music from a popular Country Western singer. Wearing the cowboy clothes was totally optional for this one off event but it seemed that many liked to join in with the Country western theme for a night!
So ladies and gentlemen if you are now interested in joining us on the Thurlestone Hall dance floor then just come along on any Wednesday at 2pm -3pm You can come along on your own or bring a partner or friend. The more, the merrier! If you are on your own and are a bit nervous about coming in, then please don’t be concerned, as the Thurlestone line dancers create an extremely warm and friendly atmosphere and always make sure that anyone new who comes along is made to feel very welcome.
All my classes cost £7.50 per session and your first session will be free of charge! All you need is a pair of comfy supportive shoes. For any further information you are welcome to contact me:
Sue Bain 07989 817 898
[email protected]
One of these classes is held each Wednesday afternoon in Thurlestone Parish Hall. This has to be one of my most favourite venues – a superb hall, with an ideal dance floor and glimpses of the sea while we dance! Many other dance teachers would envy me and rightly so!
Line dancing often gets overlooked as a hobby because of the reputation that goes with the name. It seems most people still think of those fancy cowboy boots, large hats and checked shirts that are always associated with the country scene and believe that the dancing is just stomping and heel flicking. Well, although I own the boots, the hat and can even put my hand on a checked shirt, I can’t remember the last time I wore them in a class! The world of line dancing has changed a great deal over the years and in classes today we dance in any comfortable clothes, suitable supportive footwear and there are certainly no cowboy hats to be seen!
The dances have also changed over the years and no longer is it foot stomping (so bad for the knee and ankle joints) It now involves all sorts of styles of dance! You can learn a waltz or tango, try a cha-cha or maybe even two step, but just dance the steps in a line!! It’s simply a way of dancing along with others but without needing a partner!
We also dance to a much wider variety of music now. Of course, the roots of line dancing are Country Western and this is not forgotten within my classes but I do try to find a happy balance with the different types of music available.
I hope by now you are rethinking your image of line dancing and are maybe interested in coming along to join in? If I get a few people interested at the same time I would happily arrange a short time of beginner tuition but if not, anyone can turn up at any class!
Don’t worry if you have never danced before – I am there to help you all the way. I teach all the basic steps in my classes and then everyone is encouraged to enjoy the sheer pleasure of dancing without any stress or competition. My teaching is slow and steady so that dancers become confident with the different steps but I have to stress that my classes are always fun and every lesson includes many smiles and much laughter along the way! Going wrong is just part of the fun!
There are some extra bonuses to line dancing too – while getting some gentle exercise, (which doctors always encourage) learning the dances can also help with co-ordination and memory skills, and then that wonderful feel good factor as you find yourself able to dance along with others, can help alleviate stress levels!! Wow! Apart from these positive points, it’s really just plain good fun and a great way of meeting new friends! I have met so many wonderful people through this fun hobby.
We do also have the occasional social evening where we are able to dance favourite dances, enjoy a light supper and get to know each other more socially and last year we held a charity event where dancers were able to try their dances to live music from a popular Country Western singer. Wearing the cowboy clothes was totally optional for this one off event but it seemed that many liked to join in with the Country western theme for a night!
So ladies and gentlemen if you are now interested in joining us on the Thurlestone Hall dance floor then just come along on any Wednesday at 2pm -3pm You can come along on your own or bring a partner or friend. The more, the merrier! If you are on your own and are a bit nervous about coming in, then please don’t be concerned, as the Thurlestone line dancers create an extremely warm and friendly atmosphere and always make sure that anyone new who comes along is made to feel very welcome.
All my classes cost £7.50 per session and your first session will be free of charge! All you need is a pair of comfy supportive shoes. For any further information you are welcome to contact me:
Sue Bain 07989 817 898
[email protected]