With Vida Hodder teaching Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan which is a soft, defensive internal martial art aiding in connecting the mind, body and spirit. Also teaching standing meditation and Chi Chung which is a series of gentle standing mediative exercises.
Health benefits:
At Thurlestone Parish Hall:-
Also at Sherford Village Hall
All sessions are £6.00
Contact Vidda Hodder 01548 561182 or email [email protected]
Health benefits:
- Improves balance and reduces the risk of falls
- Strengthens our muscle which keeps our joints stable and protected
- Keeps us more flexible making us more functional
- Regulates the respiratory system by breathing deeply and controlled
- Helps maintain good posture
- Reduces stress and high blood pressure through gentle rhythmic movements and breathing which aids in clearing and calming the mind
At Thurlestone Parish Hall:-
- Wednesday 10.30am to 12.00pm - Intermediate and Advanced
Also at Sherford Village Hall
- Thursday 9.30am to 11.00am - Intermediate and Advanced
All sessions are £6.00
Contact Vidda Hodder 01548 561182 or email [email protected]